Saturday, August 15, 2009

WSJ's Stephen Moore speaking at RightOnLIne

Congratulated bloggers have derailed the Obama Agenda.

Moore said he was on Chris Matthews on MSNBC (who watches that???) and Matthews said that Americans attending town halls "don't want a Black President." Amazing - how the opposiion has it so wrong! Biden is White and he is an even worse leader than Obama. That's not racism. We should turn in the entier Obama Administration to cash for clunkers.

Are we funded by corporate America? Nope - the K Street lobbyists are SUPPORTING ObamaCare.

Three pillars of evil:

GLOBAL WARMING is a is not just evil but conttrary to what has made America great. Even if climate change were a problem, the Cap and Trade bill will have ZERO impact on the climate - it is the full employment act for India and China. Moore said the Cap and Trade bill would regulate and tax every activity of our free market activity, as factories, plants and facilities will move from the US to China. All the rest of the world agrees on, we want the US to go first on the so-called climate change regulations. BTW, polar bears numbered 25,000 in 1950 and now 50,000.

Financial child abuse is what is going on in Washington via the debt we have taken on. We have taken on more debt in a few months than in the past 20 years...3 trillion dollars to "rescue" the economy. We could have completely eliminated the corporate and income tax for a year. Imagine that - that would have been rocket fuel for our economy. Instead, we are purchasing new cars for bureaucrats.

A trillion is the new "billion." in the 1960's it was the "millions of dollars." The numbers are so big people cannot relate.

A trillion dollars - now much is it? How many seasons would James need to play 25,000 seasons at $40 million to make a trillion.

The House Ways and Means Committee passed bill imposes a 10% payroll tax on each worker for those at companies that don't provide health care. Can small business afford that? No - you will lay off workers...those in D.C. don't have their tray tables in an upright and locked position. The vast majority of them ahave never run a business. The bill also imposes a new 5% payroll tax on those evil people "the rich". Two-thirds of those are small business owners and employ people.

We must end class warfare. We are back in the 1970's where we had double digit inflation, 20% interest rates, long gasoline lines.

The next 8 weeks are the most critical period for our contry in a generation - we must defeat cap and trade, health care "reform" and bailouts.

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