Saturday, August 15, 2009

In the President's Secret Service author speaks at RightOnLine

Ronald Kessler, MewsMax.comand #3 on the bestseller list author, is speaking at RightOnLine.

A blogger revealed CBS's misinformation on Bush's military papers.

Back in the 1970's Kessler as a WSJ and Washington Post reporter and said the pressure was to be fair, honest and get it right. Not today.

Though Kessler said the Washington Post is more credible, and the NYT is continuing to slide. NewsMax provides balanced stories but ones you don't see in the mainstream media.

NewsMax covered Rev. Wright and Obama's relationship. Wright was a mentor.

His book claims Carter was the phoniest Preisdent...he would carry his own luggage (which was empty) or would hand it off to staff when out of camera view.

said bloggers to a job to create a more honest media.

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