Saturday, August 15, 2009

WSJ"s John Fund addresses RightOnLine

Now, John Fund is speaking at RightOnLine. He said he'd also been visiting the liberal NetRootsNation conference across the river here in Pittsburg.

There is one major difference, he said -- the mood at RightOnLine is much more optimistic.

Liberals know they may lose between 50-60 House seats, and if 60 is hit - Nancy Pelosi becomes MINORITY leader.

Liberals camapain as moderates, but govern as liberals -- they always move Left. As Ronald Reagan said, when those in office govern from the Left, they lose. They have now lost touch, and the American people are revolting.

Remember what Carter brought us -- in 1980, Ronald Reagan was able to come back: a recesssion is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose your job, and a recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his job.

Now, John Fund predicts that conservatives will win mid-term elections.

This year, he said Obama co-opted all the health care providers -- insurance companies, AMA, etc. They have a seat at the table -- but they are there to BE LUNCH!

Americans are the people who have risen up and stopped the healthcare plan so far -- real Americans are given voice and have the opportunity to stop ObamaCare. Citizens are the new leaders who can and will bring about change.

in 1997, in 1993, and now - Americans can stop the march to bigger government in its track. We have the chance to defend the country and can turn to our children and grandchildren to say "we were a new great generation - we stopped Big Government in its tracks."

what a gift for future generations!

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