Saturday, August 15, 2009

John Peterson, former Congressional membrer from PA

Peterson spoking at RightOnLine said the cost of oil sucked the life out of many energies last year. Many leaders haven't had a priority for energy. Why? It was cheap. We'd get a spike - it would settle down, and last year the price of oil crippled our economy.

Last year, we had the votes to win and they pulled the bill...they pulled the Interior bill. They didn't have the votes.

Obama Administration's plan doesn't make sense. They are doinng more with regulations...they have cancelled leases in Alaska and other states. We aren't reading about it in the paper.

Federal land is 30% of the country and they don't want to cut trees...(appropriate Peterson talks about this after Lonegan pointed out the size of the Cap and Trade legislation and the Health Care bills - thousands of pages, thousands of trees...)

If the EPA controls energy, domestic energy production will end. Carbon tax legislation gives citizens the opportunity to sue if they think they are harmed by climate change. Has anyone said that? Nope - but it is in the Cap and Trade bill. go figure!!!

We won't have available, affordable energy which is the mothers' milk of our economy. If we don't drill, OPEC will!

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