Saturday, August 15, 2009

Phil Kerpen addresses RightOnLine

Kerpen is Policy Director for AFP and columnist.

Our numbers are up, NetRootsNation numbers are down - we have the momentum on our side.

We at AFP didn't manufacture anger. George Sorus, who funds the Left, has a manufactured memo claiming that we are manufacturing "grassroots." They are demeaning real Americans who are concerned about the Left trying to control our lives.

The Stimulus bill money is slow going out as it is politicized.

We are doing a great job attacking the public option (as we know that is socialized medicine)...and if they take the public option out, it won't e socialist but will be Facist. Government can contrtol it even if it isn't a public plan.

We are also winning on Cap and Trade - four Senate members don't want a vote this year, 9 Democrats don't want Wall Street to benefit - they are fractured... but they 210 to 212 squeaked the House vote. We need Senators aaying to leadership - sorry, but I can't do that in our state.

Are we an industry front? No - industry has carved on these bills. The White House has bought off 85% of the permits to get it passed in the House.

On health care, when the public potion is out, we will be forced to buy industry prducts financed with our tax dollars. MSNBC talks about industry groups behind us - but drug companies are advertising on MSNBC, and the reports just don't get it.

Kerpen also talked about censorship of the Internet - new version HR 3458 is a regulation of the Internet which kills private investment. Do we want the government running the Internet? we must protect our freedom on the INternet.

Hold firm on Health Care and on Cap and Trade - we can defeat the Left.

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