Saturday, August 15, 2009

Steve Lonegan speaks at RightOnLine

Steve -- leader at AFP NJ -- tells his story. He is legally blind, worked hard, defied those who wanted him to go on welfare and disability. He prospered thanks to his hard work. He saw more inspectors, government intrusions into his business, and found foreign products didn't have those impediments.

He ran for Governor of NJ and narrowly lost his primary bid.

He is living the American dream and his is the American story!

Steve held up the 11,000 page bill which is the blueprint for our future healthcare.

Steve said the Left has conjured up the global warming bill to regulate our energy use - and he held up the 15,000-page cap and trade bill. They will spend more time and money protecting polar bears (which are not actually endangered) than they will on your health and health care.

By cornering the marketplace, the enemies of free market can drive more jobs overseas and control the "marketplace". What is behind this massive legislation? At the core of any climate control legislation is the redistribution of your wealth (remember during the campaign Obama's answer to Joe the Plumber.)

Losing is not an option. Email is the musket of today's revolution. Twitter, blog, and use new media each a nd every day. We must get up each morning and ask what we are going to do today against the big government collectivists.

Meeting the needs of all will deteriorate into totalitarism.

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