Saturday, May 30, 2009

AFP-TX Statement on Demise of "Local Option" Tax

As the gavel falls…
“Local Option Tax Gets Nixed”
Statement by Peggy Venable, AFP-Texas Director

As the so-called “local option” transportation tax fails to make it onto the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) Sunset legislation, one of the bill sponsors (Rep. Vicki Truitt) spoke out – via a letter – chastising the conservative groups which helped kill the local option tax.

She failed to include Americans for Prosperity-Texas’ position that local officials didn’t need more taxing authority – or the ability to put more tax increases on the ballot – until they agree to an automatic rate rollback election. Taxpayers deserve the right to LOWER property taxes when the appraisals increase more than 5% (or even the current 8%). But local government officials and their associations didn’t want taxpayers to have the opportunity to determine how much government we want and are willing to pay for – unless we want MORE government and agree to higher taxes to pay for it.

What’s fair is fair. Kill the ability for taxpayers to lower taxes and we won’t agree to any opportunity for local tax spenders to raise taxes. (Ways and Means Chairman Rene Olivera promised his friends at the Texas Association of Counties that he would not allow a revenue cap out of his committee, and he did not. Our contention is that cost DFW a local option transportation tax).

However, even after calling her local officials to Austin Friday in a last-minute attempt to rally support for the local option tax, Rep. Truitt got one thing right. But it wasn’t calling local officials to come to Austin. The “suits” which held a press conference in front of the capitol were all tax spenders. I didn’t see her North Texas taxpayers there. Just suits with their printed signs on stakes. Frankly, the taxpayer-funded lobbyists did their clients (counties and cities) no favors. As they carefully orchestrated the press conference, they appeared to miss the obvious.

Local elected officials were at the capitol asking for authority to raise taxes, with no taxpayers there saying “we want higher taxes” and the officials all wore suits and carried manufactured signs. Hum… Did I hear the DFW officials spent taxpayer dollars to the tune of several million dollars for these lobbyists? DFW taxpayers’ tax dollars at work!

Rep. Truitt is right about one thing – we conservative groups SHOULD have been expressing our outrage over the proliferation of Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) which create a new taxing entity with little or no oversight. We will ask for a study of MUDs during the interim as no one appears to be paying attention to these local taxing entities except the folks who are raking in the tax dollars.

So we taxpayers will not mourn the demise of the “local option” tax, but should be bemoaning all the MUDs created the last few legislative sessions. It’s worth studying and exposing the MUD-y mess created by these local taxing entities. For that, we should thank Rep. Truitt for calling us out.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Lobbyists, local officials, Rep. Truitt desperate

Rep. Vicki Truitt and Sen. John Carona are desperate. It appears they don't have local support from taxpayers for their so-called "local option" transportation tax.

It didn't pass, so the provisions were tacked onto the Texas Department of Transportation Sunset legislation. A bold move as most House members voted NOT to include it in the bill.

The local-option tax would be a tax increase. Have we ever seen local officials have taxing authority they didn't use? And if voters vote it down, local officials will continue to put it on the ballot until it passes. We've seen that with school bond initiatives.

These local officials have spent literally millions of dollars on lobbyists to promote this new taxing authority. So, taxpayers, congratulations. You are funding those high-priced lobbyists to promote a new tax -- taxing YOU. The lobby firm representative said it was a "classic lobby deal." So much for taxpayers' interests. If this were something taxpayers wanted, these officials wouldn't need this high-priced lobby firm.

Yesterday, the bill sponsors sent out a frantic email asking local officials and chamber of commerce folks to show up for a press conference on the south steps of the Capitol today. And Rep. Truitt provided her local leaders with phone numbers of representatives to call to encourage them to vote for the bill. That's highly unusual.

This rally/press conference will be in stark contrast to the recent tea parties held across the state in which on April 15 around 100,000 Texans turned out saying "no" to new taxes.

Americans for Prosperity-Texas opposes the new taxing authority as does Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, the NFIB-Texas and other taxpayer-friendly groups.

What is our answer to gridlock? End the gas tax diversions, set spending priorities at the local level, and stop using our money to fund lobbyists (who lobby against taxpayer protections.)

It might be useful to point out that these same local officials who want this tax have lobbyed against taxpayer protections such as an automatic rollback vote when local entities take in more 8% or more in property taxes due to appraisal increases. These local officials don't want taxpayers to be able to LOWER their taxes, but want the ability to put tax INCREASES on the ballot at will.

This classic lobby deal deserves a smack-down. Taxpayers will be rallying at the Capitol to say "NO" to this new tax.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New National Tax Considered

Obama's new national tax proposal is a trial balloon which should not be allowed to fly.

The Obama Administration is testing the water for a new tax – a value added tax (VAT). We need to draw a clear line in the sand that no new national taxes will be put in place without eliminating—not cutting, but permanently eliminating—our existing income tax. Read more about AFP’s policy director Phil Kerpen had to say about this tax:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dems on thin ice

As Democrats stall by asking stupid questions of Local and Consent bills -- taking just under the 10 minutes which would kill the bill - their stock is falling with voters.

Texas voters have overwhelming supported using an I.D. to vote, and the Democrats are stalling as long as possible hoping to kill Voter I.D. legislation.

Would Gov. Perry call a special session to handle Voter I.D.? Very likely if legislators waste their time in Austin attempting to avoid taking on this topic. While voters want their vote to count, Democrats will not be able to justify stalling or denying this very basic measure.

Don't have an I.D.? Perhaps those legal residents who do not have an I.D. should get one - and I anticipate there would be plenty of elected officials and candidates who could help them do so. Are they disabled? Elderly? They could vote absentee and would not need to show an I.D. Chances are, much of the voter fraud is taking place in absentee voting. But refusing to require an I.D. for voting makes no sense.

The critical question is this: Why would Democrats not want voters to certify that they are the individual who is casting a legal vote?

Simple questions that deserve simple answers. It's not about "disinfranchising any minorities". I anticiapte Democrats will have some explaining to do when they head home. Questions like "why didn't you do the people's business while in Austin?" and "why did you force a special session?"

Gov. Perry was worth Tweeting about

Gov Perry spoke to the AFP-TX RightOnLine Internet activist and blogger Day at the Capitol.

AFP had a poster on “good News inn Texas” and how TX is #1:

TX #1 in transparency. Gov Perry is a powerful proponent of transparency.

He discussed the tea parties (we had invited tea party organizers) and said he had prticipated in only two protests – Take Back Texasa (property rights movement) and the tea parties

Tea parties were about the 10th amendment – about Washington and voters’ interest Washington’s forcing spending and taxing and debt on us because of what THEY want

The Governor also said:
• When people are submissive and quiet is when real anarchy occurs

• I try to never get confused about who I work for – why this country was founded, what t ehconstitution means,

• 20 yrs ago TX and Austin was broke, busted – downtown buildings were emty

• Rest of the country was snickering…

• If I’d told you in summer ’89 that in a short 20 year period that TX would lead the nation in #1 Fortune 500 Companies, #1 in Esxporting #1 in job creation…Texas is responsible for creation of 70% ALL jobs created in America, - most would say that would be impossible. We had a reputation of being culturally, educationally, not broad-based economically enough – we were in ag, banking and real estate and we had the oil and gas and chemical companies.

• A lot happed by the Grace of God –

• Because we had some great universities, independent sprit, wildcat mentrality, and because Texans are risk takers, we the #1 state to do business.

• First time had Republicans had the offices of Lt Gov, Gov, Speaker of the House and Senate, Speaker – came in with $10 B budget deficit – do we stand up and raise taxes? No – we ran on and were elected to run TX differently.

Gov. Perry had Tweeted on the event before he arrived, as were many in the room. His presentation was worth Tweenting about!

-- Peggy V.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gov Perry Should Veto TXDOT bill if it has tax increase

Local governments want the ability to increase gas taxes by putting a provision on the ballot. This could increase gas taxes as much as 125% in Texas!

Since the provisions of that measure -- SB 855 -- have been rolled into the TXDOT Sunset legislation, we should encourage the Governor to veto the bill if that provision is in it when it arrives on his desk.

Whether or not you support that local option legislation, the AFP-Texas position is this: as long as local officials want the ability to put a tax INCREASE on the ballot, but are opposing taxpayers having the ability to automatically vote for LOWERING the tax, we will opppose it.

That's our position on local control. It should be in the hands of the taxpayers, not the tax spenders.

Friday, May 15, 2009

TX House Rep. England opposes taxpayer protection

Interesting exchanges take place on the floor of the Texas House and Senate. Usually those go unreported. It’s important to shine the light of public scrutiny on some of them. An interaction today deserves that sunshine.

As the House raced through local bills, which are usually uncontested and non-controversial, Rep. Jim Jackson (R-Carrollton) was challenged by Rep. Kirk England (D-Grand Prairie) on a taxpayer protection measure.

Jackson’s bill would have required a ballot election that requests a bond issuance or a tax increase to specifically state the amount of bonds to be issued or the proposed tax rate increase and, in plain language, the purpose that the bond issuance is intended to support.

Sounds simple – and taxpayer-friendly.

The bill (HB3184) related to ballot language for a proposition to approve the imposition or increase of a tax or the issuance of bonds. Current law authorizes a local taxing entity “to write proposed ballot language for tax increases or bond issuances that are intended to obscure what the additional requested funding is to be used for.”

The rub likely came from the bill analysis which used the language in quotes above. Most taxpayers would agree – the bond issuances are often written to obscure the issues.

Taxpayers should get the information Rep. Jackson requests and should also include local debt the taxpayers are already carrying. That can be found at the Texas Bond Review Board:

Taxpayers deserve more information – and more sunshine – on issues that impact their communities and their pocketbooks.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Legislators attack of SBOE, SREC defends SBOE

For Immediate Release: 5-13-09

Members of the SREC shocked at legislature’s attempt to dismantle SBOE

The undersigned members of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) are shocked and dismayed that our elected officials would stealthily attempt to undermine our elected State Board of Education (SBOE) through Budget conference committee amendments and defunding mechanisms which covertly dismantles the authority of the SBOE. As statewide Republican leaders elected by the grassroots of the party, we have been entrusted with the responsibility of protecting and defending our state party platform and its ideals. In addition the Texas Constitution establishes the SBOE for specific purposes, such as the administration and oversight of the Permanent School Fund (PSF) which we believe also deserve to be protected and defended by all Texans.

Grassroots Republicans across this state have made it clear that they believe it is in the best interest of education in Texas to hash out matters of education in a separate elected body such as the SBOE. Whether everyone agrees 100% of the time with the decisions of this board is of little importance. The important component is that education issues and textbook adoption, etc. is achieved in an open and thoughtful process by elected officials from districts all across Texas. Legislators want us to believe that that the PSF, textbook adoption and education issues in general will be less politicized if decided by the Legislature every two years. The SBOE meets quarterly every year and provides a process for citizen input as well as expert testimony on a variety of subjects.

We ask our Republican legislators to heed the words of our state Constitution and our platform which states: "We oppose the replacement of textbooks by laptops," and "The SBOE must have sole authority over textbook content and state adoption, and this process must include public hearings. We urge the Legislature to give the State Board of Education authority to establish textbook adoption standards."

We also ask that members of the Budget Conference Committee to vote down any amendments which surreptitiously defund or impede the ability of the SBOE to perform its currently prescribed duties. We specifically ask that the final budget not contain riders that direct cancellation of Proclamations 2011 & 2012 as this is a back door attack on the SBOE’s authority to adopt & review textbooks. Further we respectfully ask that legislators vote against any bills whether in committee or on the floor that seeks the same ends.


Jason Moore SD 31

Ashlea Quinonez SD 30

Angie King SD 23

Brian Russell SD 14

John Cook SD 2

Russ Duerstine SD 28

Bonnie Lugo SD 13

Peggy Thompson SD 22

Bernice Lewis SD 5

Cathie Adams National Committeewoman RPT

Phyllis Worsham SD 18

Gayla Miller SD 19

Davida Stike, SD 14

Dennis Paul SD 11

Matt Hayes SD 10

Tom Quinones SD 12

Rosemary Roe, SD 4

Jean McIver SD 12

Rex Teter SD 06

Luann Caudle SD 20

Jim Wiggins SD 3

(names available at time of media release)

Rep. Phil King's take on the Texas Budget

In these difficult economic times, there must be more scrutiny than ever regarding how Texas spends your tax dollars. Every odd year, the Texas Legislature meets to set the state budget for the following two fiscal years.

After 19 hours of debate on the House Floor, we successfully passed your state budget. My Republican colleagues and I focused on the priorities that you and your family expressed were most important.

These budget priorities included increasing the quality of our public schools, improving job-training programs, reducing the cost of government, lowering your tax burden and protecting those in our society who struggle to protect themselves – the very young and the elderly. As we debated the budget until 4:30 am, we remained committed to protecting essential programs while ensuring that government spending tightens its belt, just as your family has had to do.

When the state collects your taxes and fees most of the money goes into the General Revenue Fund. In developing the budget, we reduced spending from the General Revenue by approximately $2 billion. This is your tax money we are saving, and we are proud that by working together we were able to reduce the future size of government.

Some highlights of the budget include establishing and protecting job training programs for people displaced by these difficult economic times; fully funding our veterans’ needs, as Texas must honor our commitment to those long-distinguished veterans and those just returning from duty; increasing our public education expenditures by 1.8 billion dollars as all our children deserve every opportunity to succeed in school; reviewing government spending; and ensuring that those who are truly ill and unable to pay receive necessary medical care. All of this was successfully achieved while reducing expenses from the General Revenue Fund by approximately $2 billion.

Unique to this year’s budget cycle is the federal stimulus money that has recently gained notable attention. The stimulus money is an influx of your federal tax money coming back to you. Since this is a one-time receipt of funds, it is our duty to assure that this money will be used only for one-time expenses such as school construction, rebuilding of the gulf coast and other single item expenses, rather than growing government programs that expect taxpayers to continue new spending every two years.

Creating any budget is always a difficult task and doing so for a state as diverse as Texas is especially challenging. However, our priorities are clear and our commitment is strong to make certain that Texas addresses the most important needs while also remembering that this money is yours, not ours, and it is scarce and hard-earned.

Con. Carter and Hensarling call to oust Napolitano

As many as 100,000 Texans participated in tea parties across our state. These were hard-working Americans, Veterans, families, all concerned about the direction our contry is going. Mainstream media has attempted to downplay the importance of this nation-wide protest. Administration spokesmen and media called us "kooks" and other derogatory names. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was at the forefront calling tea party attendees terrorists!

Carter leads House effort against Napolitano Homeland Security Report calling Conservatives potential terrorists

Calls for the resignation of Napolitano are increasing, according to The Arizona Capitol Times, which reports the efforts began “after DHS released a report outlining threats from domestic terrorist organizations that was criticized by members of both parties who interpreted it as singling out veterans as potential criminals. … .Reps. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., along with John Carter, R-Texas, the No. 4 Republican in the House, have called for Napolitano’s resignation.”

One News Now says Carter is not alone. “Congressman John Carter (R-Texas) is among several House Republicans who have either called for Napolitano to step down or be fired. ‘She should be fired by the administration for accusing honest, American citizens -- because of their political beliefs -- of being domestic terrorists.’ Carter points out what he sees as another Napolitano shortcoming. ‘Remember, this is the same Janet Napolitano who decided that we would no longer call the real terrorists 'terrorists' he notes.”

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stripper tax gets Senate OK

It gives a whole new meaning to "tax anything that moves"...the Texas Senate this afternoon gave fast and final approval to a new version of the so-called “stripper tax” that will collect an occupation tax on nude dancers.

Stripper tax gets Senate OK

It gives a whole new meaning to "tax anything that moves"...the Texas Senate this afternoon gave fast and final approval to a new version of the so-called “stripper tax” that will collect an occupation tax on nude dancers.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dr May's Tea Party message

AT THE TEA PARTY, a Dr. Donald May delivered this message from the courthouse steps in Lubbock. He electrified the audience like I haven't seen in a long time. His delivery was masterful. I am sorry you could not see him in action. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy his words. The news media were there, but not one word of this man’s appearance ever appeared on TV or in print, even though he completely dominated the scene. -- Ralph McLaughlin

This is A Time For Courage
April 15, 2009 – 11:49 PM


"Ladies and gentlemen, This is a time for courage.

"We are gathered here today on the Plains of West Texas in common purpose. We are here to remind our government that this is our country, We the People are still in charge, and our government is still our servant and not our master.

"Our Nation’s founding document is The Declaration of Independence. It tells us that our rights come from God and not from a small group of elite men and women.

"Our Constitution starts with the words “We the People.” Our Constitution was written for ordinary Americans like you and me. Our Constitution protects us from our government and from the politicians.

"Our President has complained that our Constitution gives ordinary people too much protection. He has ridiculed us for the high value we place on our Bibles, our guns, our personal property, and our liberty. He tells us we do not deserve to keep the money we have earned. We are told freedom has not worked. Personal responsibility, free enterprise, and Liberty have not been effective. Our government will now make more of our decisions for us. Other than our military, I can think of not one government agency I have ever found to be helpful.

"And speaking of our military, how about those Navy Seals blowing the heads off those three terrorist pirates? Don’t you just wish our entire government would function with such efficiency, professionalism, and courage? We watch in disbelief as our beloved United States is weakened economically, militarily, and morally by a radical President and his eager accomplices. What has taken generations to build is systematically destroyed and replaced with the same Socialist evil that brought poverty, destruction, and despair to untold hundreds of millions.

"The problems we face today have occurred because we have not defended our Nation from Socialism. For too long we have allowed the wrong people to make the worst possible decisions. The Bible warns us of class hatred. The radical leadership of our government daily fans the evil flames of class envy. Our European and Canadian friends beg us to not make the same Socialist mistakes they did. The President of the European Union warned our President that his Socialist economic plans are taking the world down the “road to Hell.”

"The path to power for Socialists includes taking God and guns from the citizens. Without spiritual and physical protection, people cannot defend themselves and their liberty. They soon become slaves. We are angered that our President apologizes for the exceptionalism and heroism of the United States of America. We are deeply troubled he told others the United States is not a Christian nation. We are angered that we have been called cowards and racists because we oppose Socialism. Socialism is not racial. Socialism is an equal opportunity destroyer. We are angered that a recent Department of Homeland Security report has singled out our military men and women who are returning home as being radical threats. The report also characterizes you and me as right-wing extremists and radicals because we favor smaller government and lower taxes.

"You and I are average citizens who believe just like most of our fellow Americans. We want our government to leave us alone and to keep its hands off our money, our religion, or guns, our private property, and our lives. We demand that our government stop spending money it does not have.

"Stop confiscating our money and private property.

"Stop printing money.

"Stop subsidizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the other failed financial institutions and companies.

"Mr. President, stop appointing tax cheats to positions of power and influence.

"Mr. President, secure our borders.

"Mr. President, do not divert money from our missile defense, F-22 Raptors, and other vital military equipment. This gives encouragement, aid, and comfort to our enemies. Protecting us is your number one job.

"Mr. President, do not give voting rights to millions of illegal aliens and felons. You have no more right to create new voters for your benefit than you do to use our money to buy the 2010 and 2012 Elections.

"We gather peacefully here today because there is a growing concern for what our government is doing to us and to our future. We fear for the very survival of our Republic. Yet there is much to make us hopeful and to fill our hearts with optimism and courage. This is still our country! The Constitution of the Unites States belongs to We the People. Our Constitution still protects us from our government.

"Call every possible elected official, including our President, Vice President, and the Speaker of the House. Demand that they stop stealing our money and giving it to ACORN and their other political supporters in order to buy votes. Call Senators Cornyn and Hutchison, and (your) Representative. Thank them. Urge them to do much more. Remind them now is a time for action and not for campaigning.

"Volunteer to work on our 2010 Census. Confront ACORN. Keep our Census honest. We must not allow our President to take control of our Census for his political advantage.

"We must replace as much of our far left Congress as possible in 2010. Get involved. Do not let ACORN control our 2010 Election.

"Talk with someone every day who does not understand our nation’s history and our great heritage. Tell them why the United States is a good and prosperous nation. It still remains that brightly lit city on the hill. It still is the best hope for all mankind.

"Talk with all of the young people you can find. They are our future. Many do not understand what they have and that their future is being destroyed.

"Encourage your elected State officials to pass legislation that will protect us from our Federal government. Governor Rick Perry and others are doing that right now for Texas. Thank them and pray for them.

"This is a time for strong peaceful action. Let us pray that We the People can quickly return our government to its Constitutional responsibilities. Our President and Congress were elected to be our servants and not our masters.

"May God help our President and Congress to quickly realize the error of their ways and stop their reckless and unwarranted spending, cut our taxes, and reduce the size of our Federal bureaucracy. If they do not, may God grant us the courage and determination to vote them out of power next year.

"May God richly bless and protect each of you, and our Constitution, as together we pursue Liberty!"

Delivered at the Lubbock, Texas, TEA Party

by Dr. Donald May

Tax Day, 15 April 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Texas should reject stimulus funds with strings

The Texas House will decide whether to accept the $555,000 federal stimulus Unemployment Insurance money. Two weeks ago the Texas Senate voted 19-11 to accept $555 million in federal aid that would help replenish the rapidly dwindling unemployment compensation fund.

Gov. Rick Perry, along with the Republican governors of Florida, Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, South Carolina and a few other states, rejected the money from the $787 billion federal stimulus package. Perry said there were too many strings attached that would hurt Texas employers and taxpayers.

"Bottom line: This will cost businesses $75 million a year from here forward, and that will cause them to hire fewer people," Perry said a few days after the Senate vote. "It's not good for Texas employers; it's not good for Texas employees."

Those who favor taking the money said unemployed Texans need it and if Texas doesn't take it other states will (other states taking the money doesn’t suggest they would get Texas’ funds – but they would need to comply with the program peramiters mandated by the feds.

Now it is the House's turn to tackle the politically-charged issue. And they should reject the funding, knowing that taking it would require Texas to expand our unemployment insurance program, and increase employer taxes.

Not taking the money won’t impact anyone currently eligible for unemployment in Texas. But taking it increases unemployment taxes. That should be a simple decision. Just say no!

Texans want pay checks, not unemployment checks.

Specter’s Switch Renovates the Republican Brand

That's right -- Specter’s Switch Renovates the Republican Brand name and allows Republicans to be Republicans.

On Face the Nation today, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) said he didn’t agree with all of his votes, and he had some “advice” for the Republican Party.

Who in the Republican party wants Specter's advice? I don't see anyone standing in line to get it.

Now, when I heard that Specter had switched parties, my first reaction was “Wow! He became a Republican?”

OK, the guy decided to become a legitimate Democrat. It’s about time he become an honest man.

Let’s remember that 40 years ago, Specter left the Democratic Party to become a Republican. What is he? Is Specter a DemoRepCrat? An independent? Or does he have any conviction?

Some may say party labels don’t matter, but they do. People who are precinct chairmen, who toil in the party structures, should be able to count on those who are elected to uphold the party platform.

“What’s that?” many elected officials ask. Well, even then-Gov. George Bush, when asked why he didn’t support a Texas Republican Party platform item, said he hadn’t read the platform. Oops! Lots of Republicans didn’t forget that. And he often legislated as if he hadn’t read the platform.

Specter’s switch is just what the Republican Party needs to revive its image. After all, Republicans should expect Republican elected officials to legislate as Republicans.

Specter may have been elected as a Republican, but he had the advantage of incumbency, money, and name recognition. That could explain why politicians continue to get nominated, and elected, who have no intention of fulfilling the party platform. But that comes at a price.

Party workers and voters begin to look for another avenue to get candidates who share their views elected. Here comes the Libertarian Party, the Green Party and others who are frustrated that the party which should be enacting their policies aren’t.

But the parties have prevailed, as have incumbents.

Incumbents have a tremendous advantage in politics – they have money in the bank, and lobbyists give to their campaigns anticipating their re-election and buying their votes, or at best counting on an open door when the lobbyists call.

I’ve worked campaigns in Pennsylvania and I anticipate that the voters there are not unlike Texans – we want to elect our officials who go through the party process – whatever it may be.

Specter bashed Club For Growth after the Pat Toomey, leader of the conservative PAC, ran against Specter in 2004 for the Republican nomination against Specter. After all, how dare someone with principles in the Republican Party philosophy run against Arlen?

I anticipate the Republican Party is saying “good riddance, Arlen!” After all, Republicans have been losing ground because many conservatives don’t see the Republican party as the party who fights bigger government, and who supports the little man/taxpayer.

But the overriding issue should be this: Will Arlen Specter do the honorable thing? No one is counting on it, but he should do just what former Sen. Phil Gramm did. When Gramm changed from the Democratic to the Republican Party, he asked Republicans to take him in – to elect him as a Republican.

That’s what Arlen Specter should do. Chances are good the Democrats will embrace him, after all – he’s voted their way more often than not. Still, he should call an election and ask the voters of Pennsylvania to take him in as a Democrat. After all, he’s been out in the cold as a Republican. And even Specter deserves a home in some party - he’s been a nomad for far too long.

And every Party deserves to create their own invitation list. After all, you are defined by who you hang out with. -- Peggy Venable