Friday, August 14, 2009

Read my lips: No new hips

Here at the RightOnLine blogger conference at the Sheraton in Pittsburg in a healthcare session. Speaker Eric Singer, discussing the rationing which is taking place in Canada and other countries, anticipates President Obama's next radio address proclaiming "Read my lips - if you are over 57, no new hips." That's right. Precisely what is happening in countries which have government-run healthcare.

Mind you, the Administration doesn't want to be bogged down in the details. That's simple since the Senate version isn't even available -- though the committee voted for it weeks ago. After all, the U.S. Senate isn't accountable to you and me, the mere taxpayers and voters.

And since Obama won't sign a plan which will increase the deficit, should we worry? That provides a huge laugh line for the HandsOffMyHealthCare bus tour. Who knew Obama would provide such rich fodder for icebreakers?

Why can't we test the government plan? Perhaps on Congressmen and their staff, and why not include federal workers? These folks should e delighted to test drive the government plan and get back to us on it.

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