Saturday, August 15, 2009

Michelle Malkin speaking at RightOnLine in Pittsburg

Americans for Prosperity Foundation's RightOnLine conference, Michelle Malkin speaks. She has the No 1 Bestseller - hit the bestseller list in 9 days.

Joined the BrooksBrothersClad EvilMongers...promises not to take calls on her IPhone while speaking.

Last year at RightOnLine in Austin, TX, we were fighting off attacks from Wesley Clark for our exposing Obama's mythis of hope and change. The NutRoots gathered a stone's throw away from here is waging war on all the watchdogs left in Washingotn and attempting to redefine citizen dissent as hatred. Our work is is rooted in liberty and prosperity for all.

they have unlimited rousources to do it - with our tax dolalrs. But they have killed hope and change, that is the inconvenient truth.

Legions of voters for Obama were duped. This comes from the NYT website comments IS OBAMA PUNKING US? Welcome to the Right Wing Freak Club.

Michelle wenton The View and has the clip on HotAir on how ill armed andill prepared Joy was in response to the book. You know you won the argument if they are quibbling on how corruptObama is and not whether.

As government grows, corruption flows. Massive new fed spending and thousands of pages of new regulationsno one has read provide opportuniities for sleaze and influence-peddling. Not even Obama can drain a swamp by flooding it.

The tea party movment has been declared dead, but newcomers to politics have taken to the streets since February and their numbers continue to grow. They wanted you gone - silenced and out of signt - marginalized, demonized, but you have shown the spine and reslience missing from so many leaders in Washington.

YOU have siezed control over the domestic policy debate in this country. Don't worry about tallying how many are at the NutRoots conference - is the White House worrying about them or YOU? You have siezed control. You have gained the upper hand - you are holding Democrats and Republicans accountable.

On the WH healthcare takeover plan, you have Congressional leaders hiding in SIEU offices, taking sanctuary in children's hospitals, phoning it in rather than facing their constituents, charging $25 to attend townhalls, bringing in fake doctors, pimping Organizing for American stooges -- but we are astroturfed? ha!

Podcasters, bloggers, and online activists are invaluable. That this was from the top down is laughable. The leadership only wishes they could be as competent and insightful. The Soros funded folks didn't envision the invisible hand in the marketplace. It is a miracle we all have this shared experience and shared passion. We are so under threat by this White House - we are across the country, living our lives, raising our kids, wanting to ensure liberty for future generations. WE get up again and again. We are happy warriors.

We have been told to "rebrand" ourselves. We've been told we aren't using the Internet enough - but your videos on YouTube are playing all over cable TV all day every day now. The rise in taxpayer convergency that newspapers refus=e to review conservative books.

Watching the success of the book - seeing people practice knowledge is power and sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Spent an entire career -- 17 years -- watch those on both sides of the aisle to "tone it down" (like you) to conduct ourselves docily. We cannot afford moderation. We have nothing to apologize for - ever.

(standing ovation and cheers - a real crowd pleaser, Michelle struck a cord with these online activists!!!)

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