Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obamacare advocates wonder why citizens are angry?

Here the White House blog accuses folks like Americans for Prosperity of spreading “scary emails” and miscommunications about the Obamacare socialized medicine:

AFP had a response:

But the best response is also on AFP’s website from single-payer advocates. is the most frightening video – with single-payer officials (Obama and his team) talking about wanting to put private insurance out of business and ending up with a single-payer (government) plan.

Obama said two things: first, that every American should have the Cadillac plan that Congress has. But Congress is exempted from Obamacare.

And recently, Obama is saying “if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it”. That is disingenuous as Obamacare is intended to drive the private market out of business so we are ALL on the gov’t plan.

No, Obamacare, this is by your own minions’ admission a strategy for getting there – to a single-payer/government-run socialized healthcare plan for Americans.

And they wonder why citizens are showing up a townhall meetings angry?

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