Monday, January 25, 2010

Will Obama try to put lipstick on the pig Wed night? Join AFP to see and comment

Did Obama get the message? Join us Wednesday to see if Obama tries to put lipstick on that pig

Remember Gov. Jon Corzine, a Democrat, who lost his seat in New Jersey in November?

Remember Democrat Creigh Deeds who lost in Virginia’s gubernatorial race?

Remember Democrat Martha Coakley in Massachusetts who was up 30 points in the polls there in her quest for “the Kennedy seat” which she lost to Scott Brown who said he won “the people’s seat”.

Yes, Corzine, Creigh and Coakley all lost. President Obama campaigned for each of them.

Now, there’s no way to put lipstick on that pig.

The question now is – did Obama get the message that Americans are fed up with the corruption, backroom deals and vote buying?

Join us online Wednesday night for the President’s first State of the Union speech…and as we see it, there’s no way to put lipstick on that pig. Join us as we live chat (blog) the State of the Union address – and we welcome your weighing in.

Did Obama get the message Massachusetts voters sent or is Obama in denial? Some advisors’ spin this weekend indicates Obama and his White House may be sipping the Keith Obermann and Rachael Maddow kool-aide.

If Obama, his czars and minions didn’t get the message, it appears some on Capitol Hill did as 12 Congressional D’s are cutting and running. But it appears Obama was blaming it on Bush.

Yes, the people have spoken, but was Obama listening?

What can we expect now? Will Congress and the Administration attempt to ramrod their far-left agenda?

Wednesday night will be our first indication of what is to come.

To view the chat and weigh in on Wednesday, just visit our site and click on "State of the Union Virtual Watch Party" - a hyperlink will be on that site to comment.

-- Peggy Venable


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