Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown brings New Day to America

It is a new day in America - and people are ready to Take Back America one state at a time: Virginia, NJ, and now Mass.

Scott Brown’s amazing upset in MA tonight – winning The People’s Seat in MA - removes the speed bump to take back America, as the American people’s voices are heard. No more LA purchases, Cornhuskers bribes, union buy-outs, corrupt back-room dealings and big-government steamrollers.

The overwhelming victory in Massachusetts is a game-changer.

Obama’s broken promises were the referendum vote. Sen-to-be-Brown's right, we CAN do better.

Will the leadership get the message? Time will tell, but the American people spoke today.

America can do better – and Americans are willing to take to the streets to take back our country.

Texas can be a model to the rest of the country to create jobs, put more money in people’s pockets, and jumpstart the economy.

Kill the health care bill, stop cap and trade, stop the tax and spending, running up the national debt, raising taxes, and corrupt closed-door dealings.

It is indeed a new day in America.

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