Thursday, February 11, 2010

Texas textbook war again in NYT

The New York Times has again printed an article about the textbook wars in Texas. This article focuses on religion, but the latest battle was really go get American Exceptionalism in the social studies textbooks. Was America founded by Christians? Absolutely. And America is an exceptional country because we enjoy the freedom to be able to debate what is in our students’ textbooks.

It is a shame they quote the Texas Anti-Freedom Network and not the hard working citizens who showed up to express their support for American exceptionalism and against politically-correct revisionism history.

Read it here: The article is How "Christian Were the Founders?”

BTW- I might recommend you read the comments only if you have no history of heart problems. It is full of comments by very liberal, likely anti-American NYT readers.


Unknown said...

Assuming that liberals are anti-American is as un-American as it gets. Our nation was founded on the belief that everyone (liberals, conservatives and moderates) are free to hold and express their opinions, without being labeled treasonous.

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