Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cong. Barton takes on the EPA - YEA!

Dear Cong. Joe Barton -

On behalf of more than 975,000 Americans for Prosperity activists, we commend you for introducing a resolution of disapproval to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, something the Act was never designed to do. We urge your colleagues to become cosponsors of this resolution and stand with you to rein in the EPA.

Of the several onerous proposals to inject the federal government into global warming regulations, EPA’s plan is the worst. As you know, the agency’s endangerment finding will force millions of businesses, churches, schools and hospitals across the country to deal with the complex, time consuming and costly EPA permitting process for the first time. This proposal will quite literally shut down all new investment and development as the private sector struggles to assess its exposure to the new regulations. EPA’s plan would also cripple state permitting agencies, who would be forced to implement the new unfunded mandate.

Congress must step in and assert its authority to rein in this runaway executive agency. Your resolution of disapproval will help restore the proper balance of power between the legislative and executive branches, and we thank you for doing so.

We applaud your efforts to block EPA’s unacceptable regulatory overreach and urge your colleagues to support your efforts.

-- Peggy Venable, Texas director, Americans for Prosperity
and the entire AFP team

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