Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tea Partiers - Congratulations!

"Wing-nuts", "Narrow-minded tea party nut jobs" -- Congratulations! You have the heart of the Democratic party scared and on the run.

All over the lame street media, we hear that tea party event attendees spew hate and are anti-American. Our opponents will do anything to minimize the tea party movement and to attempt to demonize us. But look at this message from James Carville on behalf of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. It's clear they fear the tea party movement - and they should!

Here is part of the online mailer:

This is nuts. At a time when most of America is celebrating historic health care legislation that’s been a century in the making, a few narrow-minded tea party nut jobs are trying to tarnish this great achievement.

But if you think these vile two-bit wing-nuts are just gonna slink back into whatever century they crawled out from now that health care reform is the law, think again.

The same uncorked tea party rage that we saw before the health care vote is now being used against the courageous House Democrats who stood strong and made it happen.

In fact, the slimy thugs at the Republican National Committee already raised $1,494,084 in their “Fire Nancy Pelosi” campaign. That’s why I’m asking you to help my Democratic friends in the House by contributing to their Million Dollar Match campaign.

Contribute to support Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats...(bla, bla, bal)


To that vile rhetoric, we have one messagae: Patriotic Americans are going to Take Back America...November Is Coming. Clearly, Congress didn't listen to the people who overwhelmingly disapproved of the massive take-over of our health care system, violation of our Constitution and erosion of our liberty. Together we can put the “NO” back into November. Go to:

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