Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Senate health care bill: enough to make you sick

Trial Lawyers made out like bandits in Senate Health Care Bill

It’s enough to make you sick.

The mad dash to cram a government takeover of America’s health-care system – one-sixth of the US economy -- has left lots of taxpayers sick. Congress has outdone itself in the category of outrageous legislative payoffs, even by congressional standards.

Some states got exempted from paying for some of the expansions, while those of us in other states will be left holding the bag – along with their costs.

But few groups make out better under the congressional leadership’s health-care plans than personal-injury trial lawyers.

In reading the health-care bill approved by the House of Representatives and Harry Reid’s bill pending in the Senate, Nixon found (so far) 26 new opportunities for plaintiff lawyers to sue doctors for malpractice.

Read more about it here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in a state of confusion. The article says that Texas politicians are transparent in their dealings, yet our governor, The Honorable Rick Perry used nothing less than total "Back room" meetings in almost giving us the TTC (Trans Texas Corridor) which in essence would have given Spain ownership of a good sized chunk of Texas. Someone found out what he was doing and formed the TTC Watchdogs and eventually stopped everything that had to do with the TTC. Transparency doesn't mean the same thing to everyone, I presume. I find it difficult to ever trust Perry again. To me he is a snake in the grass, not to be trusted at all, never mind with running a state as wonderful as Texas.