Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nelson offends pro-lifers and their principles

This is so offensive. It's okay with Sen. Ben Nelson for taxpayer dollars to will go toward abortions except in the states which opt out.

Babies: pray you are in a state which votes to opt out.

Even some pro-abortion Senators like Kay Bailey Hutchison don't want federal dollars going to abortions, but unless we take dramatic action to stop it, this Administration is pushing for federal dollars -- your and my tax dollars -- running our health care system, including paying for abortions. ObamaCare is coming.

The womb remains the most dangerous place in the US and anti-abortion folks are claiming victory if some states take action to avoid it taking place in their states. Shame on them.

Folks like Nelson have no principles at all!

Here are the facts: Last night at 10:30PM Sen. Ben Nelson reached agreement on an abortion compromise with Democratic leadership. The deal is that states will be permitted to opt-out of allowing federal funding for abortion through exchange subsidies by enacting a state law. Presumably, Nelson beleives Nebraska would opt-out and he is OK with federal funding of abortion as long as they aren't in his state.

Harry Reid introduced his 383 page manager's amendment today and it is currently being read on the Senate floor, which should take about 8 hours. It can be found here:

Unless we can find a Democrat to vote no, it looks like they are still pushing to have the first key cloture vote at 1 AM on Sunday night/Monday morning.

Voila - 1/6th of the US economy is in the hands of the government -- your health care is in the hands of the government -- more babies lives are in the hands of the government. They can call itg what it is - even without the "public option", we are putting a government bureaucrat between every American and their doctor -- if they can find a doctor.

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