We just finished the Austin Taxpayer Tea Party – and have word that the Dallas Tea Party had 300 people. (see it here - thanks, Dwayne Horner!). We had about 60 at the impromptu Austin event, and Rep. Wayne Christian spoke as did Peggy Venable (Texas AFP director) and Michael Quinn Sullivan (president of Empower Texans).
Houston held a tea party simultaneously. We are waiting to hear how that event went. The Ft Worth event starts at 3 pm.
We’re seeing RED! The federal government is in the red, mortgaging our grandchildren’s future, using so-called “stimulus” and bailouts to redistribute wealth, and promoting a $3.6 Billion budget full of big-government programs and policies (such as government-run health care).
While we are seeing RED, Texas legislators are working to keep our state in the BLACK. With 44 states having significant deficits, we are working to enact a more stringent spending limit in Texas which will keep Texas a beacon of fiscal sanity and freedom.
The tea parties were result of Rick Santelli’s rants on CNBC – find that and see how you can participate by clicking here: http://www.taxpayerteaparty.com/
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