Thursday, November 6, 2008

Smoking Ban Shenanigans

Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert has made no secret of wanting to expand the city’s smoking ordinance. The new amendments would prohibit smoking in bars, pool halls and tobacco shops.

But at Wednesday’s city council briefing, he let his desires get in the way of fair and equal treatment of the people he serves: the citizens of Dallas. More than 20 community members – including bar and tobacco shop owners – took time out of their workday to attend the city council meeting to speak out against any expansion of the ordinance.

Discussion of the smoking ordinance was supposed to take place immediately following the council’s lunch -- which ended around 3 p.m. The local citizens had been waiting for the chance to speak to the council since 1 p.m. Ironically, the city council chose to re-open their briefing within an hour of the arrival of several pro-smoking ban activists.

When the meeting opened, these pro-ban individuals were given the opportunity to speak to the council. However, due to mixed messages from the city staff, including the city secretary, only one person was allowed to speak against the all-out ban.

AFP's Texas State Director Peggy Venable said these shenanigans "threw freedom-loving citizens for a loop.”

“Business owners should have the right to set policies for the use of their own properties, and they should certainly have a right to publicly speak at a city council meeting when government is threatening regulations which will hurt their businesses. Government doesn’t hesitate to take their tax dollars. It’s like telling businesses to shut up and pay up,” she said.

Americans for Prosperity opposes smoking bans as a violation of consumer choice and free market principals. The solution AFP recommends is simple: encourage business owners to post a sign outside their establishments that identify then as smoking or non-smoking.


Anonymous said...

These ban lobbyist had this all rehearsed behind closed doors. The open meeting is just a front. The whole ban movement is based on chicanery, lies, and deceit. Here's the book the tax exempt political action committees (charities) use to get their bans.

Anonymous said...

Here are the qualifications to be a lobbyist. As you can see, they are highly professional. The ACS is nothing but a sham, perpetuating itself with tax exempt money. Note the "extensive travel required"