Friday, November 14, 2008

McAllen officials dump more debt into the lap of taxpayers

Apparently McAllen officials would rather fund fluff projects instead of paying off the current city debt.

Officials in McAllen are planning to build “outdoorsman's oasis”, which will include a 6.4-acre fishing lake and camping grounds at Fireman's Park in addition to 11 acres of park land. The park will include a playground, pavilion, restrooms, showers, concession building, trails with bridges, fishing piers and a sand volleyball court.

The City of McAllen is adding $800,000 from its coffers to fund the project.

While the idea of an outdoorsman’s addition to Fireman’s Park seems like a great idea, how is it that the City of McAllen feels like they have enough extra taxpayer dollars laying around for a frivolous project?

According to the Texas Bond Review Board website, as of 2007 the current outstanding debt for the city of McAllen is: $207,789,903.

And who stands to pay the city’s debt? – McAllen residents via taxes.

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