Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pathatic bantering

BurntOrange – a liberal website fronted by left-wingers – posted a piece on one of the speakers at the Americans for Prosperity Foundation-Texas DEFENDING THE AMERICAN DREAM Summit this past weekend in Austin.

AFP Foundation is non-partisan (unlike Nutroots Nation’s gathering which was sponsored by and the Democratic National Committee) and the RightOnline premier event had Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians gathering to discuss how to use new media more effectively to move issues we care about -- taxpayer protections among them.

Some of the lefties posting comments clearly didn’t read the article, nor did they “get it” that we were hosting a state conference, not a national convention. And we had 20 organizations playing a role in RightOnline and the Defending the American Dream Summit.

We were pleased to have the Hon. Ron Wilson speak. What appears to have really angered the liberal status-quo was that Wilson dared to venture into the school choice policy issue and advocate for policies which help the minority community students out of failing inner-city schools.

It is clear that on the Left, there is no room for discussion or an open mind. Not when the educrats constitute their largest voting block. So much for diversity.

Oh, did I mention that the Lone Star Times gets more media hits than BurntOrange?

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