Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Can we stop big government takeover?

Paul Weyrich's column on Townhall today should serve as an eye-opener for conservatives in a couple of different ways. First, in showing that we haven't been wholly unsuccessful in our quest to stop government growth. Second, and this is the bad news, that if we continue on our current course our efforts to stop big government's takeover will utterly fail.

For the Federal Government’s long-term projections show a radical change over
the next 40 years, with Federal spending soaring close to 40% of GDP or more.
This is due to our nation’s big entitlement programs – Social Security, Medicaid
and Medicare. Counting state and local spending, total government spending in
the U.S. would be over 50% of GDP.

The entitlement programs in our country are going to bankrupt us, and soon if they aren't dealt with. But Weyrich points out a possible solution and it's worth reading about.

Check it out here.

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