Friday, July 3, 2009

Gov. Perry joins Austin July 4th Tea Party

Gov. Rick Perry joins list of speakers for
July 4 “Take Back America” Tea Party

AUSTIN – Americans for Prosperity-Texas announced today that Gov. Rick Perry will join the lineup of conservative leaders speaking at the “Take Back America” Tea Party on July 4 at the state capitol in Austin.

It is the second time Gov. Perry will speak at an Austin Tea Party. The first one, held April 15 at Austin City Hall, drew roughly 2,500 people. A line in the governor’s speech that day became the central message for the July 4 Tea Party: “Cut spending, cut taxes, shrink the size of government and re-read the Constitution!”

The theme of the rally is “Take Back America,” and will encourage the “silent” majority to voice that message to elected officials in Washington, D.C.

“Washington D.C., should look to Texas as a model,” said Peggy Venable, AFP-Texas director. “Under the conservative leadership in this state, Texas has become the top state in the country for job creation, we have the most Fortune 500 companies, more government transparency, are the largest exporting state, and still were able to balance our budget and leave $9 billion in the rainy day fund.”

Texas is the only large state in the country to have a balanced budget.

“The leaders in Washington, D.C. appear to be following the California plan,” said Venable, “and that is a recipe for disaster. Texas is the beacon of fiscal sanity and national leaders could learn from the Texas model.”

The Tea Party is a family event and – along with inspiring speeches – will provide information for citizens who want to learn how to help Take Back America. The Tea Party is part of a nationwide grassroots movement made up of individuals who are fed up with the unprecedented spending and expansion of the federal government.

For more information, including a full list of speakers, visit

What: “Take Back America” Tea Party
When: July 4th 2009, 2-4 p.m.
Where: South Steps of Texas State Capitol

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