Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reporters don't want to admit they like Perry? Sounds right...

Today’s Houston Chronicle carries an article on Gov. Rick Perry’s policies and his background. I realize we will be reading a lot about Perry and his policy decisions.

The headline says it all -- "Perry Change Not For Better" -

But this one begged my response, which I provided in an email to the reporter:

Lisa, I read your article and want to point out that I believe Gov. Perry said that he made a mistake in how he did the HPV vaccine by executive order, not that he wanted girls to have access to the vaccine.

I am a conservative who did not oppose the vaccine, but his putting forth an executive order just before the start of that session, and not having briefed or consulted the health-related legislative committees, and not making it an “opt in” were things he considers could have been done differently.

I am a mother who has had cancer, and my daughter got the HPV vaccine.

I was with Gov. Perry at the budget signing in Amarillo recently and on the plane he talked to me about that decision and said that he realizes he could have done it differently. Then he said one thing that resonates with me – he’s said it other times too - “I hate cancer.” He believes that if there is anything he can do in his position to rid society of cancer, he will. He has a keen interest in medical research and including the use of adult stem cells.

This is not an issue we at AFP have taken a position on as we are fiscal-policy focused, but I admire someone who is willing to step out there, even if they occasionally admitting that they could have done it better. In my book, it beats voting “present”.

Thanks for your article. Frankly, I still see that guy from Paint Creek in the old car. I think what you see is what you get. But then I’m a West Texas gal.

Thanks for what you do, Lisa. – Peggy

What I failed to address was the obvious – starting her article with: "The strangest thing happened the other day. I started to like Rick Perry. This is something I haven't even discussed with my husband, or my very conservative parents.."

Doesn’t that just say it all – that reporters don’t want to like conservative officials. At least she prefaced her diatribe with that. At least readers know where she is coming from. Thanks for the honesty, Lisa Falkenberg!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Agenda 21 Revealed

The revelations on Agenda 21 have come from many directions. Here are three instances...
1. Larry Bell is a columnist for Forbes magazine and recently wrote a blunt critique of Agenda 21. (Prof. Bell is an architecture professor at the University of Houston and recently published a book on the flaws of the global warming trend. He will be a speaker July 29 at the weekly friday lunch of the Houston Property Rights Association. For details send me a message.):

A quote: "Realizing difficulties in getting some national governments – the U.S. in particular – to enact massive regulatory control over virtually all aspects of energy production and consumption, UNCED leaders launched a campaign to advance the same agenda through state and local initiatives. Since Agenda 21 was a “soft-law” policy recommendation, (not a treaty) it required no U.S. congressional authorization. President Clinton established a President’s council in 1993 on Sustainable Development by Executive Order for the specific purpose of implementing it in the U.S."

Prof. Bell's background: I am a professor and endowed professor at the University of Houston where I founded and direct the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and head the graduate program in space architecture. My background deals extensively with research, planning and design of habitats, structures and other support systems for applications in space and extreme environments on Earth. I have recently written a new book titled "Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax". It can be previewed and ordered at Additional information about my book and views can be found on my YouTube address:
2. The World Bank attacks Sustainable Development (SD), a policy goal at the heart of Agenda 21 thinking.
It is nice to see one government funded international group confront the flawed thinking of another such group by raising questions that expose the vapid thinking in the assumptions that drive the Sustainable Development fad...

The documents linked to below are designed to help school children think through the assumptions that underlie the drivel of the sustainable development program which predates Agenda 21.......
Lastly...This report by Mother Jones, a left wing publication, is helpful as it summarizes the anti-Agenda 21 movement:

The writer reveals a smugness about urban matters and shows her ignorance of the negative outcomes in cities that are converting bus-only systems to bus and rail, as partly admitted by the Federal Transit Administration in a speech by FTA head Administrator Peter Rogoff. This is a 2010 video of Rogoff's speech and his speech notes: (In Texas The Houston transit program has been losing ridership for several years and Dallas light rail is sufferimg severe ridrship losses.)