Sunday, September 26, 2010

Those Privileged to Work and Should Spread the Wealth

This morning, CBS’s Sunday Morning had a rare moment of -- should we call it objectivity?

The segment came on right before the record-setting rock skipper section. (51 skips – great Americana story even though a kilted Scott was also featured!)

Last week, Ben Stein commented that this was not the time to raise taxes on the top income-earners…those who create jobs.

CBS certainly could not let that statement stand without a firm rebuke.

This morning, Sunday Morning passed the mike to Linda McGibney, producer and writer on Sci Fi channel. Sci Fi? Really?

She likely knows as much about economics as Steven Colbert knows about immigration.

Ms. McGibney comments included: “I am willing to pay this tax increase…it is the cost of doing business…some of us need to sacrifice for our country.”

OK, Ms. McGibney. Write the federal government a check. I'm sure someone can give you the address.

She also said, “having a job is a privilege” – a privilege? She continued that those having that privilege should “spread the good fortune.”

I had no idea that work was a privilege and that those of us lucky enough to get up every day, work hard to earn a living and take care of our families, were also fortunate. What does privilege and fortune have to do with it?

I guess to some whether or not we earn a living is a roll of the dice. Either you are lucky enough to work or you are not. It’s that simple to this sci fi writer. Maybe in some alternate universe that is the case, but not in America.

But it gets worse. Ms. McGibney goes on to say that those of us lucky enough to work are greedy if we don’t want to use government as the vehicle to spread our wealth. Linda called this the cost of doing business. Really?

Who creates jobs, Ms. McGibney? Haven't we seen that using the government to spread the wealth just doesn't work?

Ms. McGibney's thinking is wrong on so many levels.

I love the nature segments which Sunday Morning leaves their viewers with. Today, it featured the tall cactus outside Tucson, Arizona. Frankly, Ms. McGibney's commentary left me a bit prickly.

Why do I watch CBS?


Anonymous said...

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

Nobody really said...

My exceedingly privileged top tax bracket income bets a year's salary you're white.

Bahamamamasmama said...

Oh my - playing the race card, PL? It seems when you can't win on the issues, you go directly to race. Are you a racist? I am not - I am an American and Americans come in all colors and all have unlimited opportunitites.

ljackson said...

I'm sure Spin Doctor Axelrod immediately rustled up a redistributionist (ie Marxist) from the entertainment industry to counter Ben Stein's common sense opinion. Obama would be happiest if everyone in the country made 40,000 a year. America isn't a pie to be equally divided, let the hard workers and innovators make a larger pie to benefit everyone. We shouldn't bring everyone down to the same mediocrity with no incentive to hire, invest and form businesses. And, I am in the 15% tax bracket, striving to make more than 250,000 someday. Let Linda McGibney write huge voluntary checks to the government, since the government spends money so efficiently and wisely....