Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Birdwell win spells toast for Cong. Edwards

Fasten your seatbelts, folks in TX SD 22 and TX Cong Dist 17. Change is on the horizon. Serving in the US Congress since 1991, Cong. Chet Edwards fate may have been sealed tonight. Let's explain...

Gulf War vet Brian Birdwell has defeated former state senator and fellow Republican David Sibley in a special runoff to fill the state senator Kip Averitt.

This is a special election to serve out the Averitt seat after Averitt steps down due to health concerns. No session is slated until after the NEXT election in November, when Republican county chairmen select who runs on the Republican ticket for the seat.

If that's not strange enough, let's look to Democrat Cong. Edwards who has served in Congress representing two different districts since 1991. He's on House Budget and Appropriations Committees -- powerful committees.

Why does the Birdwell win spell disaster for Edwards? Though a Democrat, Edwards voted against ObamaCare and against Cap and Trade. But did he vote against them with the blessings of Democratic leadership, knowing the measures would pass?

This writer doubts his voters will care.

The Waco tea party was the big winner, and legislator-turned-lobbyist-turned candidate again David Sibley got a spanking tonight. Politics as usual won't cut it in the Waco area. Sibley had once been a powerhouse in the Texas Senate, turned a powerful -- and high paid -- lobbyist. That doesn't sit well with voters today.

With the powerful once-silent voices of voters eager for accountability and change in politics, Edwards would be wise to plan his next career. A career out of politics.

Bill Flores - start shopping D.C. real estate.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

He won't need DC real estate. His family will stay in Texas and he will be coming home every chance he has. Not like our current congressmen whose family life is in Virginia.