Saturday, March 27, 2010

Former Teacher "Ousts" Texas (anti)Freedom Network

“A Mainstream Voice to Counter the Religious Right” -- that is how Texas Freedom Network (TFN) advertises itself. TFN’s purpose in life is to lie, hound, vilify, discredit, and drive from office the elected conservative Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) members. TFN is in league with the liberal media.

I ask you parents who have children in the Texas public schools and who are concerned about what they are taught, “How mainstream do you think TFN really is?”

“Do you want TFN to have any influence over the type of SBOE members who are elected?”

“Do you want TFN to influence Texas’ education standards, textbooks, and curriculum?”

Let’s consider the answers to those questions:

Dan Quinn is the Communications Director for Texas Freedom Network (TFN). Dan “outed” himself in an article in the Austin American-Statesman (6.3.01 -- ).

Cecile Richards founded Texas Freedom Network in 1995. She is now the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. When Cecile left for Washington, D. C., Samantha Smoot took Cecile's place.

When Samantha left for Washington, D. C. in 2005, she went to work for the Human Rights Campaign, the largest homosexual organization in the country.

Another far, leftwing organization has recently been added to the TFN alliance: MEChA.

Now we have Texas Freedom Network, Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign (largest homosexual organization in the country), and MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) all speaking as one voice.

On 3.25.10, The Daily Texan reported:
A UT-based group called Save Our History, an alliance between University Democrats, a Chicano civil rights group called MEChA and the Texas Freedom Network, a nonprofit that works to combat the radical right voice in education, staged a march and press conference on March 10. Garrett Mize, a member of the Texas Freedom Network and the coalition, said the group plans to continue its activism and hopes to expand its membership in preparation for the May meetings.

MEChA wants to eliminate the border with Mexico entirely. They honor Mexican revolutionary war hero Ernesto Zapata and Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara.

MEChA has held rallies to pressure the University of Texas not to celebrate Texas Independence Day on campus, and they advocate for “La Reconquista” or the retaking of the Southwestern states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah) to form an independent nation called “Aztlan.” (

What parent in his right mind would want the TFN alliance to have any influence whatsover over what impressionable and vulnerable public school students are taught?

I know one thing: I would not want the TFN alliance to get within a 100 miles of my precious children and grandchildren!

(this was provided by former teacher Donna Garner)

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