Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ObamaCare: a hoax that won't fly

ObamaCare is as much a hoax as the little boy in the helium balloon in Colorado. Amreicans have been punked.

The health care bill, pushed by President Obama and the Democrats, would require everyone to buy health insurance or pay a fine for failing to do so.

People could keep their current insurance if their employer provided it and agreed to continue it. Insurance companies would be required to insure all applicants regardless of pre-existing conditions. People would be offered subsidies to buy insurance if their household incomes were below $70,000 a year and if their insurance cost more than 8% of their incomes ($5600 for a $70,000 a year family). The program will cost one trillion over ten years.

Those are the facts. But the Washington Post did a survey asking: "Would you support or oppose having the government create a new health insurance plan to compete with private health insurance plans?" (poll data here; this is Q. 8:

Framing the question that way is ridiculous! In reality, the so-called “public option” would not be good “competition” for existing insurance, as we have been saying all along, and would reduce – not increase – Americans’ options for health care. Poll after poll has shown that a strong majority of Americans oppose government-forced health care because they understand that a so-called “public option” is truly a government monopoly that will restrict choice and limit access to quality affordable care.

- Famed pollster Frank Luntz criticized the poll, noting that a majority of Americans and their elected leaders are opposed to a public option: “If 57% of Americans truly support it, why can’t 60% of the Democratic-controlled Senate agree to keep it in their bill? Make no mistake: if this poll were accurate, the public option would probably already be law. Instead, Congressional Democrats have run away from the public option because they know that the American people have rejected it—and will reject them at the polls for supporting it.”

- Another fun fact: The poll over samples Democrats by a 35% to 25% margin over Republicans, a 29% skew in favor of Democrats.

- Two recent polls have shown the majority of Americans against the
Washington takeover plans coming out of Congress. A Fox News poll showed 54% of Americans opposed (,2933,567908,00.html). A Rasmussen poll released yesterday ( also showed 54% opposed.

Make sure Congress doesn't think Americans have fallen for this hoax: sign here to tell Congress we don't want a national take-over of our health care system:

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