Monday, August 4, 2008

Three Ways You Can Help the GOP Revolt in Congress

This is from the Facebook group "Let's Rock the House! I Support the Guerilla Congress" - join this group to receive these updates about the movement to spread the message of the GOP revolt in Congress

Today over 20 members of the House GOP returned to the floor of the House to demand that Congress returns to work and passes the American Energy Act, which is an ‘all of the above’ energy solution. Users of Rock the House and #dontgo were on the scene, and the number of people participating in the ‘Twitter Revolution’ has been astounding. The House GOP will continue the phantom sessions all week, and may continue them throughout August.

Conservative Republican House members are taking this moment to lead when others refuse, and they deserve our support and gratitude. I’d also like to draw attention to the efforts of Robert Bluey, Eric Odom, Danny Glover, Jason Carini, Elisabeth ‘Media Lizzy’ Blackney, Jenn Sierra, Matthew Nehrling, and the countless others doing their part to make this happen.

The conservative netroots are forming a truly broad based movement, and each one of you can do your part to achieve comprehensive energy reform, bring the people back into the House, and embarrass the Democratic leadership.

Here are three things you can do today to help continue the push for comprehensive energy reform, greater House openness, and true Republican leadership.

1. Call Speaker Pelosi at (202) 225-0100 as well as your US Representative and ask that they return to work and approve the American Energy Act. The American Energy Act is an ‘all of the above’ solution that not only includes solar, wind and efficiency provisions, but domestic drilling and expanded use of safe and emissions-free nuclear power. You can learn more about the American Energy Act at

2. Sign up for Twitter and start communicating on #dontgo. You can sign up for Twitter at, and any update you post with ‘#dontgo’ included will be listed on the feed visible at There is a thread on the Facebook group for people who wish to answer or ask questions about using Twitter and feeds.

3. Get involved with the effort to attract citizens into the House chamber for the phantom sessions. Americans are upset about Congressional inaction and high gas prices, and we need to make sure they get to the House chamber to interact with members during the sessions. If there is a huge crowd gathering outside the House every day to take part in the phantom session, it will be a news story in itself. Join the conversation on the ‘Open House’ thread on the Facebook group.

There are also some new developments which all of you should be aware of:

The folks behind have created as a new website for all of us to use- visit it and check it out as it grows.

Danny Glover has offered to publicize any video or audio from the sessions uploaded to

Jason Carini has created a new Youtube channel for the movement at

Mike Bolitho is organizing people to provide food to the members participating in appreciation for the Guerilla Congress. He has a thread open on the Facebook group.

Get Involved and Lead
Invite Your Friends
Keep the Momentum Going

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