Saturday, April 19, 2008

July in Austin -- Be There or Be Square

I am at the Sam Adams Institute at the Samsphere in Denver at a gathering of bloggers from across the country. Sam's putting together these important schools across the country -- and is coming to Texas to help Americans for Prosperity-Texas with our July 18, 19 Summit in Austin...Defending the American Dream, and creating that Cybercity on the Hill. Yes, we'll be focused on how to carry the modern conservative movement forward onloine.

What young person do you know who wakes up in the morning, puts their slippers on, goes outside to get the paper, pours a cup of coffee, and sits down to read the paper. Nope, it ain't happenin'.

Young voters and older voters alike are inreasingly getting their news off the internet.

We'll focus on how we can build on the right -- and be RightOnLine! It's the future, and we free-enterprise folks need to do a better job getting our message out there.

for information, stay tuned to and check out
July 18-19 in Austin -- be there or be sitting home reading the newspaper complaining about the mainstream media...

Did I mention that the DailyKos/Netroots Nation's annual convention will bring thousands of liberal bloggers making Austin even weirder. National media will be focused on how the left is taking over the blogisphere. They'll be wrong.

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