Sunday, June 20, 2010

Voters to Congress: Stop Bankrupting America

Cumulative sticker shock has set in

One of the reasons the federal budget is chronically in the red is that most people, historically, couldn't care less. The national debt is an unfathomable abstraction that doesn't show up on your 1040 or your monthly bills. Over the last few decades, very few people lost sleep worrying if the budget would ever be in balance. That is, according to one columnist:

However, Americans have woken up. Sticker shock has set in.

AFP Foundation has launched a campaign Stop Bankrupting America and AFP is following up with

What can citizens do? First, sign the November is Coming petition (link above), then circulate that to five friends and encourage them to sign.

If we want to stop bankrupting America, we must each take action to make sure that we have a Congress which will stop overspending. If you want to know your Congressman’s spending record, sign the November is Coming pledge. And pass the word. Together, we CAN take back America!

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