Friday, October 30, 2009

The TRUE Cost of ObamaCare

If you are like me, wondering how the folks in Washington can claim that they will achieve “health care reform” while not increasing the deficit, welcome to my world.

That’s right, there is no free lunch. The costs will be dear – not only in monetary costs, but in costs to our freedom.

No Free Lunch: The True Cost of ObamaCare is a great piece by Matt Patterson at
The National Center for Policy Analysis.

Below is an overview, and to read the entire article go to:

Far from providing "affordable" care for everyone, as President Obama has promised,1 the main health care proposals working their way through Congress would in fact come at a painful price - higher insurance premiums, more and higher taxes, fewer jobs, lower wages, a reduced standard of living and an erosion of privacy and individual liberty.

Here's what ObamaCare would cost you, and how:

Higher Insurance Premiums

Government meddling in the health insurance market leads to higher premiums.

Bottom line: Billions in new taxes and fees on insurers and health-care companies8 would be necessary to pay for ObamaCare - costs that would then be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher premiums.

Higher Taxes

When government promises to subsidize and expand health coverage, more and higher taxes are sure to follow.

Bottom line: Government cannot provide free or subsidized care for someone without taking money from someone else - and that someone else may be you.

Lower Wages/Fewer Jobs

ObamaCare would lead to reduced wages and further depress the job market, hitting low-skilled and low-income workers hardest.

Bottom line: Government cannot provide free or subsidized care for someone without taking money from someone else - and that someone else may be you.

Standard of Living

The massive government spending required to finance national health care would significantly expand the federal deficit17 with ruinous consequences for every American's standard of living.

Bottom line: ObamaCare would means huge deficits, and deficits soak up money from the economy that would otherwise be used for the savings and investment needed for economic growth.

Medicare Benefits

ObamaCare would pay for itself, in part, with hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts to Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

Bottom line: ObamaCare means less Medicare - a lot less.


ObamaCare would erode your privacy by expanding the IRS and mandating that insurers, employers and government agencies share with one another your personal financial information.

Bottom line: ObamaCare regulations would result in a larger, more powerful IRS, and ensure that more of your personal information is shared with more people.

Your Freedom

ObamaCare would enlarge the state at the expense of your freedom.
Bottom line: This "individual mandate" would constitute a gross abuse of governmental power and a violation of every American's right to decide what is best for themselves and his or her family.

ObamaCare won't save us money, nationally or individually. Instead, it will increase insurance premiums, raise taxes, depress wages, siphon jobs, explode the deficit, reduce our living standards, rob us of privacy and erode our personal liberty.

BOTTOM LINE: That's the kind of "free" care we just can't afford.

To sign up for Hands Off My Health Care, go to:

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