Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Print Your Own Vote No! Signs

Ellis County's Taxpayers Alliance for Good Government has posted a link on their Web site for irate taxpayers to download and print their own 11x17 Vote No! yard signs.

They're generic enough to be used for any election, too.

"By doing this, regular taxpayers can bypass the political action committees and just do it themselves," said TAGG chair Joey Dauben, who publishes The Ellis County Observer. "It's like the We The People Starter Kit. It costs nothing to produce .pdf yard signs, though our recommendation would be that people print out 100 of them. It still costs less than $10-$20 and we encourage taxpayers to assemble them like we show in our example below..."


Monday, September 29, 2008

Taxpayers Spend A Quarter Million Dollars for Superintendent NOT to work 3 months a year

Round Rock taxpayers, take note. The Round Rock ISD Superintendent accrues 2 vacation days each month. I may not be an educator, but I figure that to be 24 days a year – that’s almost 5 weeks. Now, that vacation time is on top of the regular school holidays. How many holidays do they get a year? Hum…according to the website, Round Rock ISD Holidays- 08/09 School Year include:

July 2008: 5 days
August 2008: 0 days
September 2008: 1 day
October 2008: 2 days
November 2008: 3 days
December 2008: 8 days
January 2009: 4 days
February 2009: 1 day
March 2009: 5 days
April 2009: 2 days
May 2009: 1 day
June 2009: 0 days

Total School Days Off: 32 days

So if you take the 24 days the Superintendent gets (per his contract), and add the 32 days all school employees get (including the Superintendent, per his contract), that figures to 56 days a year.

So Diana Maldonado, then RRISD School Board President, signed a contract that actually pays the Superintendent a quarter million dollars a year NOT to work 56 days.

That equates to 11 weeks…almost three months.

So while taxpayers are working hard, earning a living, paying their school property taxes, those same taxpayers are paying a Superintendent $250,000 to NOT work three months a year.

A quarter million dollars a year to take 56 days off each year. Good work if you can get it!

Edinburg officials can't count on their legislators

The City and Edinburg Economic Development Council don’t trust their legislators. That’s right, Sen. Juan Hinojosa and Rep. Aaron Pena have gotten a vote of “no confidence” by local officials and leaders. Edinburg leaders, in “preparing for legislative session” have hired a lobbyist who they credit with past legislative victories. That’s right – they don’t praise their legislative representatives, but the lobbyist for “establishing a known presence at the State Capitol in Austin,” according to City Manager J.J. Rodriquez. So much for Sen. Hinojosa and Rep. Pena...

Edinburg taxpayers, you are paying for a lobbyist who may very well lobby against taxpayer interests. Most city and county lobbyists oppose taxpayer protections. It is up to taxpayers to review the legislative agenda for the City and chamber of commerce. Make sure the legislative priorities are YOUR TAXPAYER priorities to keep more of your hard-earned money. After all, tax dollars are being used to pay your lobbyist.

Read about the lobbyist hire here:

Hero of the Taxpayer: Jeb Hensarlin

Congressman Jeb Hensarling, R-TX, gave an impassioned speech against the bailout on the House floor today. He calls the bill a "slippery slope towards socialism." Great job, Jeb! I am proud of you!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Explaining the financial melt-down

This is the best video I've seen explaining how we got to the Wall Street Meltdown situation. It is a "must-view" for all voters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5tZc8oH--o

You will likely be surprised by some of what you learn in this video!

-- Peggy Venable

Friday, September 26, 2008

HILCO Incumbent Ousted From Office After ECP Story

Good news for those seeking information about what's really going on with HILCO, a southern Dallas-area co-op.

Incumbent Jim Perkins, who told The Ellis County Press' Megan Gray he wasn't "allowed" to speak to her about allegations listed on RescueHILCO.com, was ousted from office, according to a tally of votes in the District 1 race -- D1 includes Glenn Heights, Oak Leaf (Perkins' hometown), Lancaster, DeSoto, Ovilla and Midlothian.

Former Glenn Heights mayor Stephen Pape (pronounced "Papi") was Perkins' challenger.

(Megan will post the official tally of votes as soon as she gets them)

Click here to read the article that was posted a day before the election.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Send Palin to debate Obama

Since Sen. McCain is headed back to DC to do the people's work (after all, that is a Senator's full-time job and we do have a financial crisis on our hands), why not have Gov. Palin offered up to debate Sen. Obama? It's clear Obama believes he can do his Senate job and campaign full-time, cerntainly he wouldn't blink an eye at debating a Governor on foreign policy.

Bring it on!

AFP: leading the drilling ban countdown

AFP is making the blogging circuit as policy director Phil Kerpen provides direction and a Congressional action (and inaction) blow-by-blow
From Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity, “A Stunning Pro-Drilling Victory“:
With the clock ticking down to what some are calling “Energy Freedom Day” — October 1, 2008, when the congressional bans on offshore oil drilling and onshore oil-shale development are set to expire — anti-drilling Democrats have backed down from a high-stakes stand-off that could have caused a government shutdown and will now result in the complete demise of the drilling bans. This is a stunning victory for grassroots activists over environmental special interests and business-as-usual in Washington. If not derailed, it also will be great news for all American consumers.
Phil follows with a blow-by-blow of how opponents of the ban achieved their legislative goal.
Statement from Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), House minority leader, “House Republicans Score Victory for the American People After Democrats Capitulate on Offshore, Oil Shale Energy Production Bans.”
CNN story, “House Democrats will allow offshore drilling ban to expire“
Here’s the blog: http://www.shopfloor.org/2008/09/24/an-expiring-ban-what-a-good-development/

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Taxpayer Forum Sept 22 in Round Rock, Texas

Texas Townhall Tour to Defend the American Dream
In Round Rock, Texas

Goal: Putting Taxpayers in Control

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is hosting a public forum in Round Rock on Monday, Sept 22, at the Round Rock Library.

Featured speaker will be Trent Seibert, nationally recognized investigative reporter. AFP State Director Peggy Venable will also present information on property taxes, local government debt and taxpayer-funded lobbying.

Due to the overwhelming response of the AFP Texas Summit, the organization is hosting a series of town hall meetings and blogger training sessions throughout the state to educate individuals about important issues and the tools we can use to be more effective.

The goal is to put taxpayers in greater control over how much government we want and are willing to pay for. We’ll be Defending the American Dream as we discuss property taxes, government spending and debt as well as other pocketbook issues that impact our insurance and energy costs, education, and property rights.

This meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about issues facing taxpayers.

Texas Tour Townhall meeting, Round Rock, Texas
Date: Monday, Sept 22, 2008
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Round Rock Library, Room B, 216 E. Main Street, Round Rock, 78664.

If you have any questions, email or call us directly at 512-476-5905 or email AFP at: info@afptx.org.

The two-hour session will provide issue information and online training for activists who want to blog – or know more about blogging and internet activism.

Why Sept. 22? On that date in 1871, a taxpayers’ convention convened in Austin to denounce “unconstitutional and repressive” government acts.

If you are in the Round Rock/Austin area, sign up now – RSVP to: Eliza@afptx.org

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Paul Burka doesn’t speak for Texans

In a long narrative regarding the Wednesday speeches at the Republican National Convention in St Paul, BurkaBlog -- Texas Monthly’s Paul Burka -- revealed again his liberal elitism in some of his critique of Gov. Sara Palin’s speech.

“One thing Palin did not mention was her views on social issues, some of which are way out there, like her support of creationism. In fact, the whole evening seemed designed to avoid any discussion of wedge issues that were so central to Bush’s presidential races.”

“Way out there?” Really, Paul?

Paul should know Texans better than that. But you live a liberally-sheltered life in Austin, away from the small towns and the churches.

The Texas Republican Party Platform supports teaching the strengths and weaknesses of scientific theory, including intelligent design (i.e. creationism)

Paul Burka regurgitates the rhetoric of the Left. We can imagine he doesn’t share the “way out there” view that life begins at inception.

Does Burka even believe there is a God? For the record, most Texans do. We added it to our Texas Pledge of Allegiance. But we are just commoners to you. We are folks who believe in God and country and Texas values.

Perhaps it is Paul Burka who is “way out there.”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Taxpayer-funded lobby associations are big business

Taxpayer-funded lobbying is big business…
The following information on TAC, TML and TASB came from their most recently available 990’s

Texas Association of Counties*
Had total revenue of $15.9 million in 2005
$288,000 revenue from dues
$322,000 program service revenues including government fees and contracts
$322,000 – conference income
$363,000 - income from interest and dividends
$9.6 million in investments and securities
TAC paid over $7 million in salaries and wages, 130 employees (plus TAC owns 9 vehicles)
TAC 2005 990: http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2005/742/083/2005-742083149-02abb673-9O.pdf
(Above information came from TAC's 990 - 2005 filings)
$224,999.87 - paid for lobbyists to oppose taxpayer protections in 2005 (since then, this number has grown considerably!)

Texas Municipal League:
Revenue in 2006 of $5 million
Dues - $1.6 million
Program service revenues including government fees and contracts - $1.8 million
$1.9 million – salaries and wages
$3.9 million – investments
$5.7 million – total assets
Over $255,000 – salary and benefits for Exec Dir Frank Sturzl
TML 2006 990: http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2006/746/000/2006-746000125-02cf994f-9O.pdf (Above information came from TML's 990- 2006 filings)
$1,284,997.82 - paid for lobbyists to oppose taxpayer protections in 2005 (since then, this number has grown considerably!)

Texas Association of School Boards - 2006:
Program service revenues including government fees and contracts - $30.3 million
Membership dues and assessments - $5.5 million
Net assets or fund balance at the end of 2006 - $27 million
Salaries and wages - $22.3 million
Travel - $1.5 million
Assets - $51.2 million
$402,348 spent lobbying
$137 million – gross receipts
$152 million – public support
$2.8 million – First Public LLC, ($2.78 million Lone Star Investment Fund Administrative fees)
184 employees make over $50,000
(One of 4 associate exec directors makes over $255,000 which includes a $10,000 in employee benefits and deferred compensation of over $38,000)
The executive director makes $260,000; plus $50,000 in deferred compensation and over $18,000 expense account
(Above information from TASB 990, 2006: http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2006/742/275/2006-742275519-0346615e-9.pdf)
$2,769,998.47 – paid by all taxpayer-funded educational organizations in TX for lobbyists to oppose taxpayer protections in 2005 (since then, this number has grown considerably!)

TASB Legal Assistance Fund:
Over $273,000 in funds
Assets $374,000
“Public school districts become members of the legal assistance fund by adopting an agreement and paying annual membership dues. The funds are then used to advocate for public schools in legal proceedings that are likely to have a state-wide impact on public education. This advocacy usually takes the form of friend-of-the-court briefs, but the Fund may also provide financial assistance to a party in litigation or consulting counsel….all school districts benefit from these services though only 800 districts are actual members.”

Vendors and Membership list available: http://www.vendor.buyboard.com/ There is a 2% service fee charged to vendors for each of their purchase orders transmitted through the BuyBoard. The Purchasing Cooperative will calculate those charges and will invoice vendors on a quarterly basis. The BuyBoard is administered by TASB, TML and TAC.

Adios to the TIF Tax

As of September 1, 2008, the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund (TIF) Tax is eliminated in Texas. It's about time!

This tax was created by the Texas Legislature in the mid-1990's as a tax to build telecommunications infrastructure in Texas. Before you ask, "Why do AT&T and Ma Bell need to receive government subsidies to build their infrastructure?" let's consider that this tax became completely obsolete by 2001 when the private companies built and improved their infrastructure to improve their networks.


Like Palin, Ronald Reagan had no foreign policy experience

To the Liberal loony Left GOVERNOR Ronald Reagan was considered ill-prepared and not smart enough to be President. He had no foreign policy experience. He had an "unrealistic vision" of defeating Communism. He was considered naive.

Many of us who worked on his campaign and in his Administration anticipated he would change the country, and he actually ended up changing the world.

Reagan understood that capitalism and Communism were diametrically opposed, and he fervently opposed communism. He considered Communism as a false religion that sought to destroy private property, the family and religious faith.

When he was elected, many believed that the US was not the superpower, but that the Soviet Union model was the vanguard and Communism was advancing.

Even the Loony Left acknowledged America was at a crossroads. On July 15, 1979, President Jimmy Carter gave a televised speech to the nation called the “Crisis of Confidence.”

Instead of addressing a doomsday scenario, candidate Ronald Reagan provide optimism and hope. He believed in the American Dream and in America's greatness.

During the Reagan Administration, the march toward Communism reversed. No longer were countries falling to Communism. Dictatorships fell in Chile, Haiti, and Panama and nine more countries moved toward democracy: Bolivia, Honduras, Argentina, Grenada, El Salvador, Uruguay, Brazil, Guatemala, and the Philippines. Only one-third of the countries in Latin America were democratic in 1981 when Reagan took office; more than 90 % of them became democratic during the 8 years Reagan was President.

Ronald Reagan went to Washington, D.C. to change the country and was responsible for changing the world, defeating Communism without ever firing a shot.

For eight consecutive years, the Gallop Poll pronounced him the most admired man in the country.

Upon leaving office in 1989, his approval rating was around 70 percent, the highest of any president of modern time, higher than John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

So much for the Loony Left. Palin can tear down the wall of government cynicism.

Yes, my friends, this is a time for choosing. Choosing change over same-old-same-old politics as usual. It is time to put country first. -- Peggy Venable

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RRISD school board pays Superintendent bonus via his annuity fund

The Round Rock ISD school board met in July and ISD taxpayers should know:

The board voted unanimously to make a payment of $7,539 to the Superintendent’s annuity fund. (it is provided for in his contract). According to a reliable source, this payment was “based on the board’s evaluation of his achievement.”

Let’s look at this. The board was presented a report at that same meeting.
Round Rock ISD Completion Rate which is was lower in 2006 than in 2004:

Class of 2004 – 88.9% Graduated

Class of 2005 – 90.4% Graduated

Class of 2006 – 86.3% Graduated

Class of 2007 - ???????

And what about the most recent year? Class of 2007 is “expected to show some decline as the Leaver Codes have changed to become more rigorous” (translation: it was lower – i.e. need for the Texas Education Agency waiver).

The athletic director provided an update provided an update on the athletic department’s revenue for last school year: $910,000. (This is not an increase over previous years.)

And the Superintendent just got a whopping “under the radar screen” raise.

It’s a wonder the board didn’t buy the Superintendent a new car.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Property Tax Dilemma

I had the satisfaction of mowing my lawn this morning for the first time at my own home. My wife and I just purchased our first home in north Austin last month, so this morning was very satisfying that I have a yard that is mine, and not one that I am renting from another home owner.

But then, as I do when I labor, my mind drifted to more philosophical topics. I first designed a new deck for the back yard in my mind. Then, I thought about how I can fix up the garage to make room for all the tools I need to buy to build this mythical deck. Then, I thought about how much it would cost to buy new power tools and how I can trim my personal budget to do so. Then, I thought about how much I will have to pay in property taxes in Texas over the life of my mortgage and beyond.

Property taxes in Texas have doubled over the past twelve years. If the State Legislature and local governments do not address the problem, property taxes will double again over the next dozen years in Texas. Texas taxpayers are being taxed out of their homes. I quickly realized it is not a mortgage lending crisis that is preventing home ownership in Texas, it is skyrocketing property taxes.
